Sharon High is Pathetic

Today in my first period Journalism class, professor Glenn Shiebler brought up the tragedy of the Newton Elementary School shooting. Shiebler discussed how his humanities’ classes spent periods discussing the events of the incident.

This was the first time the shooting was even mentioned in one of my classes in school. Sharon High is fucking pathetic. These selfish teachers could not take the time out of their teaching lessons to talk about or even mention one of the worst events in America’s history.

I have had a great four years at Sharon High, but this is one of my low moments and one that I will never forgive the school for. It is insulting that these teachers care more about their lesson plans, which in the end are useless in life, than a killing of more than 20 elementary school students and teachers.

I understand if maybe it is not appropriate in some classes to spend an entire class discussing it, but for none of my five teachers to even say the word shooting is embarrassing and pathetic. I don’t care how many blue ribbons this school gets, I would rather this place have a heart.

Especially in a school setting, when this incident took place in a school. C’mon man this made me angry. Sharon High needed to step up in a time of tragedy, and it did not. Inexcusable.

Mamba Out.

Skip Bayless Needs to be Fired

The 60 year old co-host of ESPN’s segment First Take is no longer worthy of being on this show, and needs to be taken off air as soon as possible.

The once a TV favorite for his ridiculous opinions and exciting rants and exaggerations has lost his game and is now just a moron. Ever since Lebron has started turning things around and Skip Bayless can no longer ridicule him, he has become obsessed with such minority opinions that he is almost unlistenable.

Ever since Skip started rooting for the now back-up quarterback Tim Tebow, he has been pissing of sports fans all over the nation. The fact that he thinks Tim Tebow is a skilled quarterback is nonsense. He is the backup quarterback on one of the worst offensive teams in the NFL. He is Ryan Mallet but on a worse team. I am sorry Skip Bayless, but you will never convince anybody that Tim Tebow is a good QB.


Then once Tebow got old he moved on to Lebron James being worse than Dwyane Wade, and being the “Robin” of the Miami Heat. Skip, Lebron is the best basketball player since Michael Jordan. Only an utter fool can think any differently after the past season that he had. Dwyane Wade will admit that Lebron is better than him. You have no basketball credibility. Which leads us to his next absurd statement….

HOW CAN SKIP BAYLESS THINK THAT ANDREW BYNUM IS BETTER THAN DWIGHT HOWARD?!??!? Does Bayless even watch basketball??? Dwight Howard has won Defensive Player of the year for what 3 straight years now. And Andrew Bynum just finished his FIRST season in which he did not miss significant time. This isn’t even an argument. Game. Set. Match anybody but Skip.


Lastly, which has caused an uproar amongst sports and baseball fans, Skip Bayless accused long-time Yankees captain Derek Jeter of taking steroids. His reasons: Jeter is old and is having a really good season. Skip Bayless, shut up. You have lost all credibility saying that one of the most respected baseball players of all time has taken steroids. Do us all a favor and get off the air.

Skip Bayless has turned into an attention seeking whore that just blurts nonsense out of his head to get people to talk about him. Please Stephen A. Smith and the rest of ESPN, get this moron off of TV.