Super Teams are not Evil

The NBA, whether the fans like it or not, is starting to consists  of more “super teams” than regular teams. Well you know what, all the NBA haters can keep quiet, and enjoy the ride. The super teams are not bad for the NBA.

Tell me the last time you turned on the TV and said, “Oh awesome! The Bucks are playing the Bobcats! I get to watch Andrew Bogut play against Stephen Jackson!” My guess is, you probably haven’t said that before.

I can certainly tell you though, that one night, you turned on your TV and said, “Oh yeah! The Heat are playing the Bulls. Now this is good basketball.” Yeah, this scenario is about 500% times more likely.

Miami Heat "Big 3"

Recently, NBA superstar Chris Paul finally announced that he wanted to be traded to the Knicks and join Carmelo Anthony and Amare Stoudemire. We all knew this was happening once Anthony fought his way out of Denver. Some people might complain about how ridiculous this is, or that nobody wants to see three of the leagues best players on the same team.

You know what I have to say to that, “ARE YOU CRAZY??” The NBA is a league that entertains fans more than many other leagues. It has some of the best athletes in the worlds playing a sport in which individuals have the most impact. Who doesn’t want to see the leagues’ best players on the court at the same time?

Your not changing the channel once Chris Paul and Carmelo Anthony start to get going. Your not going to miss that amazing play that every sports show will be talking about the next day. If the super teams are best at entertaining the fans, then why are people complaining?

If it is not your hometown team, then why do people watch other cities play each other? Because basketball is fun to watch, and good basketball is more fun to watch than average basketball.

Now, does this mean I don’t feel bad for the Indianas or the New Orleans of the league? No I kind of do, but it is not impossible for them to compete in the league either. Look at teams like the Oklahoma City Thunder or the Memphis Grizzlies. I have never heard anyone say, “Hey, let’s go to Oklahoma City for the weekend! I hear it’s awesome there!”

No, teams like these are able to become title contenders through good drafting and smart trading. All NBA teams have the ability do become successful. So don’t say that super teams are ruining the league because the lesser teams have no chance. Those lesser teams just need to work harder to promote themselves.

When Carmelo forced his way out of Denver, the Nuggets were able to get great value in return, and ended up earning the 5th seed in a stacked Western Conference.

I am a big NBA fan, and I have been lucky to witness the “Big 3” in Boston for the past several years. I loved this team not just because I am from Boston, but because they were stacked with stars and were great to watch.

Celtics "Big 3"

Now while I may not root for all the super teams being formed now, there is no doubt that I am watching them. They are surely entertaining as hell.

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